MIMC’s very own founding member and historian László Bernát Veszprémy has published the first MIMC book.
The book is titled „Soha ilyen tragikus időket…” Források és adalékok a cionizmus és zsidókérdés-diskurzus történetéhez az összeomlástól a korai Horthy-korig (1917–1922) (“Never-before-seen tragic times…” Sources and additions to the history of Zionism and the discourse regarding the Jewish question from the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire to the early Horthy-period, 1917-1922).
The book is a reader with a long introductory essay, dealing with the history of the Hungarian Zionist movement in the chaotic and bloody early years of the 20th century. This period saw the end of the First World War, the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the democratic revolution of 1918, the Communist takeover of 1919 and the beginnings of the right-wing Horthy-era.
The booklet is primarily intended to provide supplements and support for further research, and to help understand the history of Zionism, antisemitism and related discourse through the re-publication of important archival documents and newspaper articles with professional notes.
The book can be downloaded here and on the author’s Academia.edu website.